Dental implants are the first option when replacing teeth.
This option is highly recommended for elderly patients, since their whole denture can be replaced by means of a comfortable and easy system using only 3 or 4 implants.
It is an almost invisible system to straighten your teeth.
Invisalign is a made-to-measure treatment where a specific number of splints are designed to gradually move your teeth into the aimed final position.
An expertise doctor studies your particular case and takes moulds of your denture so that you get to virtually visualize the treatment’s projected final result and duration by means of 3D-technology.
Splints (also called aligners) are replaced every 15 days, gradually moving your teeth into the desired position.
Invisaling treatment completion will vary depending on the complexity of your case, but it will take approximately as long as the conventional braces treatment.
When choosing among self-ligating braces, we opt for the Damon system, since treatment time length is shorter than that of the conventional braces treatment and no ties are needed.
There are metal and clear self-ligating braces at your disposal, both with the same results.
More InfoYou can also opt for the conventional alignment devices with metal braces or even sapphire braces if you are looking for something more aesthetic.
Conventional braces are the most traditional system. We opt for this system when dealing with cases of significant complexity.
The Glo system is the latest teeth-whitening device imported from the United States. It offers excellent results and the comfort of a small wireless device.
You can use this treatment and manage your own whitening sessions at home for 10 days.
During the Glo whitening treatment, we will also schedule 2 additional sessions in our clinic so that we can complete and control the whitening process.
This treatment includes a free teeth cleaning prior to the whitening.
Veneers can improve the colour and shape of your teeth. This treatment consists on covering the surface of the original tooth with a thin layer of porcelain*, thus redefining your smile.
The Mockup (preliminary study) will allow you to see the treatment’s final result and planning, which generally takes 1 or 2 weeks.
Dental veneers can solve cases such as diastema, tooth discoloration or minor misalignment.
Veneers are usually made from porcelain, but they can also be made from other materials such as resin or E-max.
When talking about general odontology, we generally refer to all those basic treatments to keep your mouth healthy.
The best treatment is prevention. That is why we recommend visiting your dentist once a year. That is the best way to keep your teeth for your lifetime.
We conduct basic treatments such as:
Endodontics is the branch of dentistry concerning dental pulp diseases. It occurs when there is deep decay, physical trauma, dentin hypersensitivity, infection...
Our clinic is equipped with latest-generation rotating instruments so that treatments are quickly conducted with the best results.
There are many problems and diseases affecting our periodontium. To treat them, we always recommend a check-up every 6 months. Some patients are more susceptible to suffer from periodontitis due to genetic factors, to some diseases or simply to a poor oral hygiene.
In our clinic we perform an exhaustive periodontal examination by means of a probe in order to control the evolution of the pathology and to offer the treatment that best suits each particular case.
Periodontal procedures include: scaling and root planing, tissue grafts, gingivectomy…
Prosthodontics helps us to replace missing teeth and recover the functionality of our oral cavity.
Prosthodontic prostheses can be fixed or removable:
Our clinic works with the best local and national laboratories to get top-quality and guaranteed results.
Lips, cheekbones, under-eye circles, nasolabial folds… There are different types of fillers specifically indicated for each area. Fillers are designed to treat from superficial to deep wrinkles. We have fillers from different manufacturers at your disposal.
Average effect-lasting period: 1 year
Price: from 300€ *
* Depending on the area
Is it possible to diminish wrinkles without losing your facial expression? Yes, it is! We love natural results.
Relax the muscles without paralyzing them, thus achieving a youthful and rested facial appearance.
Otras indicaciones del Rejuvenecimiento facial son la SONRISA GINGIVAL Y EL BRUXISMO.
Average effect-lasting period: 6 months
Price: per area 150€
All three areas: 350€
Mesotherapy treatment consists in applying highly superficial micro-injections to prevent facial ageing, to smooth wrinkles and flaccidity and to get your facial skin revitalised.
Your skin needs a supplement of specific active substances, which are personalised according to your skin type in order to provide it with hydration, luminosity and elasticity.
Average effect-lasting period: 6 months
Price: 120€ / session
The purpose of this treatment is to renovate your skin in order to eliminate some aesthetic defects or the deterioration of the skin due to aging.
Latest findings in field of beauty enable us to reach the most advanced techniques to achieve a smooth and homogeneous skin.
Price:: 50€ / session
Chemical Peels can be classified into 3 groups depending on the treatment intensity:
The purpose of this treatment is to remove the outermost layer of the skin acting on the epidermis. It is very useful to treat acne and wrinkles
Superficial chemical peel can be applied once a week , and healing takes approximately one week.
Indicated to remove the death skin cells from the epidermis and the intermediary layers of the skin, this treatment can be effective on wrinkles and even on acne scars.
Medium chemical peel can be applied every 6 or 12 months. Healing duration can vary depending on the patient, but it usually takes two weeks.. Meanwhile, sun exposure must be avoided.
Used to reach the deepest layers of the skin, this treatment is really effective on deep wrinkles and severe scars.
Deep chemical peels are quite aggressive, so healing takes at least two weeks and sun exposure must be avoided.
Chemical Peel is indicated for all ages and must be applied in winter, when sun exposure is less likely.
Automated microneedling treatment that provides excellent results in treating hyperpigmentation, expression lines, acne and stretch marks, scars and wrinkles, naturally inducing collagen production and the optimal absorption of products such as platelet-rich plasma, hyaluronic acid and peptides, giving to your skin a luminous and smooth glow.
Se consigue estimular el colágeno y favorece la absorción de productos en la piel, tales como plasma rico en plaquetas, ácido hialurónico y péptidos, consiguiendo así una aspecto de piel luminosa y suave.
Price: 90€ / session
This aesthetic treatment consists on remodelling the nose shape through an infiltration of filling materials.
Average effect-lasting period: 1 year
Price: 350€
It is a non-invasive and non-surgical technique for facial rejuvenation and sagging skin tightening.
Under local anaesthesia and without incisions, threads are inserted under the dermis using a very thin needle. The effects are immediate and it leaves no scars, getting as a result a tighter and rejuvenated skin.
It is a minimally invasive surgery procedure consisting in removing the “Bichat fat pads”, the fat bags located in the cheeks, to reduce the facial width, thus achieving a better facial harmony.
This treatment is performed under local anaesthesia, so it has a quick recovery.
Price: 1500€